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Architectural Graphic Standards 11th Edition

"Architectural Graphic Standards 11th edition continues a 75-year tradition of offering concise text and descriptive graphics in a basic design handbook for architects." (Fabric Architecture; Sep/Oct 2007)

  • President Discusses Taking Action to Strengthen Small BusinessesJ.S. LogisticsSt. Louis, Missouri President's Remarks view listen Fact Sheet: Taking Action to Strengthen Small Businesses In Focus: Small Business In Focus: Jobs and Economy 11:13 A.M. CST THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for the warm welcome. (Laughter.) More insidethan outside, I might add. (Laughter.) But thank you all very much forgiving me a chance to come and share some thoughts about this greatland and some of the challenges that face us. I'm particularly thrilled to be in a place where theentrepreneurial spirit is strong, and that is J.S. Logistics.(Applause.) It is strong because of the spirit of the guys who run thecompany, John and Greg, and the people that work with them to providegood service and product. It's important for our fellow Americans to understand that thestrength of our country, the strength of our economy really dependsupon the strength of the small business community all across America.(Applause.) And that's why I'm here today in this small business, toremind people about the importance of small business. I brought Hector Barreto, who is the Administrator of the SmallBusiness Administration. Thank you for coming, Hector. (Applause.) Iknow there's a lot of other small business owners here from around thestate of Missouri. I'm honored you came. Thank you for lending yoursupport to what I am going to describe today as a way to make surepeople can find work in America. I want to thank the employees of this good company for putting upwith the small entourage I travel with. (Laughter.) I want to thank thefolks that came to the roundtable today -- not only were some employeesof JS, but there's some folks who are running their own businesses andcompanies. We heard from single moms, newly-married couples, peoplethat are working hard to make sure the three-person company staysafloat. It was a good discussion, and I'm going to share some of thestories from that discussion with you in a minute. I want you to know that this country has got some big challengesahead of us. There's no question in my mind that we're going to meetevery challenge. (Applause.) One of the challenges we have is to makesure that every American, from every walk of life, has a chance tosucceed in this country. (Applause.) That's an important challenge.Where I spend a lot of time talking about education, to make sure everychild is educated; to make sure we insist upon high standards for ourschools; to make sure that we measure to understand whether thosestandards are being met; and to make sure we solve problems early,before it's too late. No child in America should be left behind in thiscountry. (Applause.) Today I had the honor of meeting Dezzie Houston, who came out toAir Force One to say hello. She is a volunteer with the MissouriMentoring Partnership. Where are you, Dezzie? Oh, there you are. Thanksfor coming. (Applause.) The reason I bring this up is, part of makingsure people aren't left behind in our society, we've got to recognizein our plenty there are people who hurt, and there are some who wonderwhether or not the so-called American Dream is meant for them. And solong as any of us hurt, we all hurt. And one way to help heal hurt andencourage hope is to mentor somebody in need. You see, I like to remindpeople, government can hand out money, but it can't put love intopeople's hearts or a sense of purpose in people's lives. That happenswhen some caring individual finds somebody in need and says, can I helpyou; what can I do to help you make a better life. (Applause.) And this society of ours is filled with all kinds of heroes,American citizens doing their duty. And Dezzie is one such person. Shetold me that she has mentored three people, three teens, encouragingthem to either go to college or how to find a job. I'm told, recentlyone of your mentorees graduated from college. It must have made youfeel incredibly proud to know that you had a hand in encouraging thatperson to reach for the best in America. You had a hand in encouragingthat person to realize that his or her God-given talents should be usedto the fullest on the short time we have on Earth. I want to congratulate you for being a mentor. I call upon anyAmerican who is concerned about the future of our society to findsomebody who needs a hand and surround that person with your love andyour talents. Thank you for being here, Dezzie. (Applause.) A big challenge we face is how to make sure that this world is apeaceful world, and make sure our country is a secure country. I stillremember September the 11th, 2001. It was a time in which historychanged for America. When I was coming up in Texas, it used to be thatoceans could protect us. We wouldn't have to worry about gatheringthreats abroad. We could pick and choose problems as they arose becausewe felt we were safe and secure. We felt that our history was such thatthe future would be secure and safe. But that's not what happened.September the 11th changed the stakes for America. It changed theattitude we must have if we're going to make sure our children can growup in a safe and secure world. Even though September the 11th is-- appears to be distant in ourrear-view mirror, our country is still under threat. We're under threatbecause of terrorists who don't value life like we value life inAmerica. See, in this country, we say everybody is precious, everybodycounts, everybody has got values. The enemy we face doesn't feel thatway. They don't care about innocent life. They don't believe every lifehas value. They only believe the lives that have values are those whobow to their sick ideologies. And so we're still on guard here in America. And we're runningthese terrorists down, one by one. It's a different kind of war that wefight. It's a war in which the enemy hides in the recesses of theworld. It's a war in which they try to get inside caves in remoteregions of the world. But you need to know that America is on thehunt. There is a cave -- there's no cave deep enough or corner of theworld dark enough for them to hide from the long arm of justice of theUnited States of America. (Applause.) We're making progress. Sometimes you'll see about it, sometimes youwon't. And progress comes in different kinds of-- different kinds ofways. Our friends in Great Britain have recently uncovered and havearrested a group of al Qaeda that they think were intending to poisonthe British people. Slowly but surely, we're rounding them up. Thatcoalition of freedom-loving people still stands: Either you're with usand those of us who love freedom, or you're with the enemy. (Applause.) We've got an obligation to our children to hunt these people down.We've also got an obligation to our children to address problems beforethey come back to America, and in my judgment, in my consideredjudgment, there is a real risk to America and our friends and allies inIraq. (Applause.) The dictator of Iraq has got weapons of mass destruction. He hasused weapons of mass destruction. He can't stand America and what westand for. He can't stand our friends and allies. He's a dangerous,dangerous man with dangerous, dangerous weapons. And that's why theworld came together at the United Nations Security Council and said,Mr. Saddam Hussein must disarm. The message was as clear as canpossibly be delivered -- Mr. Saddam Hussein must disarm. And the first step of that disarmament was for him to make adeclaration of his weapons -- 12,000 pages of deceit and deception wereplaced at the U.N. Security Council. We know what it means to disarm;we know what a disarmed regime does. We know how a disarmed regimeaccounts for weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein is notdisarming, like the world has told him he must do. He's a dangerous man, with dangerous weapons. He's a danger toAmerica, and our friends and allies. And that's why the world has said,disarm. But Saddam Hussein has learned lessons from the past. See, thefirst time he was told to disarm was 11 years ago. He is adept atdeception and delays and denying. He asked for more time so he can givethe so-called inspectors more runaround. He's interested in playinghide and seek in a huge country. He's not interested in disarming. I hope the world has learned the lessons from the past, just likeSaddam Hussein has learned the lessons from the past, but in adifferent way. It's time for us to hold the world to account, and forSaddam to be held to account. We must not -- (applause.) We must not befooled by the ways of the past. After all, we just discoveredundeclared chemical warheads in Iraq. It's incredibly troubling anddisturbing for a man -- that is evidence of a man not disarming. He wants to play a game. For the sake of peace, we must not let himplay a game. And so the resolutions of the Security Council will beenforced. (Applause.) My hope is that Saddam Hussein will disarm voluntarily; that's myhope. I take seriously the commitment of any troop into combat. Idesire peace. But in the name of peace, in the name of securing ourfuture, if Saddam Hussein will not disarm, the United States of Americaand friends of freedom will disarm Saddam Hussein. (Applause.) And should that path be forced upon us, there will be seriousconsequences. There will be serious consequences for the dictator inIraq. And there will be serious consequences for any Iraqi general orsoldier who were to use weapons of mass destruction on our troops or oninnocent lives within Iraq. (Applause.) Should any Iraqi officer orsoldier receive an order from Saddam Hussein, or his sons, or any ofthe killers who occupy the high levels of their government, my adviceis, don't follow that order. Because if you choose to do so, when Iraqis liberated, you will be treated, tried and persecuted as a warcriminal. (Applause.) And there will be serious consequences -- should we be forced intoaction, there will be serious consequences for the Iraqi people -- andthat's freedom, freedom from oppression. (Applause.) Freedom fromoppression, freedom from torture, freedom from murder, freedom torealize your God-given talents. And so we've got a lot of challenges when it comes to keeping thepeace. But this great, mighty nation, this kind, generous,compassionate nation will lead the world to peace, so that not only ourchildren, but children in the far reaches of our globe can grow up in apeaceful society. (Applause.) And here at home, we've got economic challenges. Think about whatthis economy of ours has been through. In a short time, we've had arecession. I -- first three quarters of my presidency were negativegrowth. That's the definition of a recession. And then before we couldget our head above water, the enemy hit us -- and hurt us. It tookthousands of innocent lives, and at the same time, hurt our economy. And we acted. We acted on the recession by letting you have more ofyour own money. We enacted the largest tax cut in a generation.(Applause.) And it helped. It helped bottom out that recession. Yousee, when people have more of their own money, they tend to spend it.And when they spend it, it means somebody is going to produce theproduct or the service in which they're spending their money, whichmeans, then, somebody is likely to find work. We acted after the enemy hit us. We made sure our airlines gotmoving, and we passed a terrorism insurance bill to encourage largeconstruction projects to move forward, so our hard-hats could find workhere in America. We got the stock markets up and running. We acted. And then the confidence of our country was affected when it turnedout some of our corporate leaders didn't tell the truth, that theyfudged the books, that they thought in this-- they thought it was okayto deceive their employees and shareholders. And they found out thatit's not okay. We're going to find them and prosecute those who don'ttell the truth. (Applause.) We've taken action, but there's more to do, because there's stillpeople looking for work. There's still uncertainty about the economicfuture of this country. Any time somebody is looking for work and can'tfind a job says to me, we've got a problem. And so today, I want totalk to you about how I think it's best to address the problem, whatCongress can do to make sure that the environment for job growth isstrong in America. And it starts with accelerating the tax relief planwe've already passed. (Applause.) The tax plan that passed doesn't take effect-- finally take effectuntil years from now. The rates in 2006 -- dropping the lower rate from15 percent to 10 percent in out-years; getting rid of parts of themarriage penalty; raising the child credit from $600 to $1,000 --(applause) -- all these plans have been approved by the Congress. Andyet our economy is still bumping along. For the sake of economicvitality and growth, the Congress needs to accelerate the tax plans.(Applause.) If the tax relief is good enough three years from now,surely it's good enough today. (Applause.) And when they act-- because I'm confident they'll hear the voicesof the people-- and when they act, we will then make sure that the taxrelief takes effect of January of this year, to immediately get moneyin your pockets and into the economy. (Applause.) You hear a lot of talk about fairness, and there ought to befairness in our society. That's one of the great things about America,we try to be fair. A family of four with an income of $40,000 willreceive a 96-percent tax cut. (Applause.) That's fair. And it's goodfor the economy. It's the right thing to do. Ninety-two millionAmericans will keep an average of $1,083 more of their own money whenthis tax plan goes through. And that's good for the economy.(Applause.) But there is a difference of opinion about who best to spend yourmoney in Washington, D.C. Sometimes they forget whose money you'respending. Listen to the rhetoric. The government's money, they say. Themoney in Washington is not the government's money, it's your money. Andyou can spend it just as good or better than the government can.(Applause.) In order to make sure people can find work, we've got to strengthenour small business environment. And one of the things that gets lost inthis debate about tax relief is the effect of tax rate reductions onour small businesses. Oh, sure, you hear the typical class warfarerhetoric, trying to pit one group of people against another. But lostin the all the rhetoric is the fact that a significant number of smallbusinesses pay taxes at the individual income tax rate, starting righthere with JS Logistics. They are organized such that they pay taxes onthe company profits at the individual tax rate. So, therefore, when youreduce all rates on the income tax code, you're affecting smallbusiness, like JS. The best way to encourage job growth is to let companies like JSkeep more of their own money so they can invest in their business andmake it easier for somebody to find work. (Applause.) Twenty-three million small business owners will receive an averagetax cut of $2,042 under this plan. Now, some will say in Washington, ofcourse, that's not much money. It's a lot of money to somebody who hasgot two employees. It's a lot of money to somebody making a decisionwhether or not to expand a business. It's a lot of money. And when youmultiply the effects of that money throughout our society, with all theindividual decisions that are being made to strengthen these smallbusinesses, it is going to have an incredibly positive effect on jobgrowth in America. And to make sure that job growth at the small business level iseven more significant, we ought to allow small firms to right off asexpenses up to $75,000 a year, instead of the limit of $25,000 a year.(Applause.) So I met a guy today named Joe. He runs Software-to-Go. He's gotthree employees. He said, I looked at your plan. Where are you, Joe?There you are. He said, I looked at your plan. He said, by allowingbusinesses to expense up to $75,000, it means somebody is more likelyto buy a copying machine, or in this case, an architectural fancymachine. (Laughter.) But the point is, is that he then has morebusiness opportunity, even though this tax relief doesn't affect himdirectly. It affects his customers. It makes his customers more likelyto buy a product. And when Joe's customers are more likely to buy aproduct, he's more likely to be able to employ people. It is important for Congress to understand that the revitalizationof the small business sector is incredibly important to the job growthof the United States of America. (Applause.) One aspect of the tax relief plan that I haven't mentioned yet,which is important to small business owners, is the elimination of thedeath tax. A lot of people work all their lives to build up theirbusiness or their farm or their ranch. And after they're gone, theirheirs are unable to keep their assets because of the death tax. It'sunfair. It taxes a person's assets twice. It means that family farmsleave the family sooner than the owners of the farms would have liked.It means small business owners like Joe may have problems passing theirbusiness off to a child or somebody they choose to pass their businessoff of. We put it on its way to extinction. Unfortunately, the law -- therules of the Senate are such that after 10 years from the time of thepassage of the bill, they could conceivably come back. For the sake ofcertainty, for the sake of fairness, the Congress needs to make all thetax relief not only happen now, but to make sure the tax relief ispermanent. (Applause.) I also believe we ought to end the double taxation on dividends inAmerica, as well. (Applause.) Dividends are important for our seniors.Many seniors rely upon dividends to help them in their later years.Ending the double taxation on dividends will encourage capital to flowinto our markets. Capital equals jobs. Ending the double taxation ondividends makes the tax code more fair. Let me talk to you about one aspect of what I mean when I talkabout helping seniors. More than 40 percent of the people who receivedividends make under $50,000 a year. Many of them are seniors.Three-fourths of the people in America who receive dividends make lessthan $100,000 a year. Dividends help our fellow citizens deal withtheir retirement years. Dividends are a part of the savings of America. Double taxation ofdividends deprives people of needed money. It has bad effects. Theaverage savings for somebody 65 years and older, if we get rid of thedouble taxation on dividends, will be $936 per year per tax return inAmerica. Getting rid of the double taxation of dividends helpsAmericans from all walks of life. (Applause.) When this tax plan is passed -- and I expect Congress to hear fromthe American people and pass it -- (applause) -- we will be putting $70billion in the economy over the next 16 months. That's how to make surethis economy is growing jobs so people can work. That's important. It'scalled stimulative effect. The Council on Economic Advisors said these proposals over the nextthree years will create 2.1 million jobs, and that's important. This isa common-sense plan that trusts the people with their own money, thatrecognizes that-- that there are ways and things we've got to do tomake sure this economy is growing. Part of making sure our economy is strong is more money in yourpockets. Part of making sure the deficits don't balloon is forCongress to hold the line on spending, and I expect them to be wisewith your money. (Applause.) I mentioned early on that I recognize there are hurdles, and we'regoing to achieve those hurdles. There's no doubt in my mind we will,because of the nature of this country. The entrepreneurial spirit inAmerica is strong. Look right around you, right here in J.S. It's oneof the things that makes us a great nation. There are thousands ofAmericans from all walks of life who are realizing their dream ofowning their own business, and that's incredibly positive. And thegovernment can help create an environment where that makes-- is morepossible. There are thousands of our fellow citizens who are loving theirneighbor just like they'd like to be loved themselves. That doesn'trequire a government program. It requires answering a higher calling.(Applause.) The compassion of this country runs deep in our soul, andthere are thousands of Americans who are willing to serve overseas inthe name of peace and liberty. If you've got a relative in the United States military, theCommander-in-Chief is proud of their skills, proud of their service,and proud of their commitment -- (applause) -- and proud of theircommitment to peace and freedom. May God bless you all, and may God bless America. (Applause.) END 11:45 A.M. CST Printer-Friendly Version Email this page to a friend IssuesBudget Management

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