The scene that corresponds with "You Can't Win" in The Wiz begins with Dorothy Gale (played by Diana Ross) stumbling upon a scarecrow being heckled by crows while stuck in the air on a pole. Dorothy remains hidden while the crows mock Scarecrow for asking to be let down. They state that he will remain on the pole because that is his role and there is nothing to get down for. The crows tell Scarecrow that even if he was let down, he would not be able to walk as he is a "straw paper dummy". Scarecrow tries to reason with the birds by reading relevant quotations from figures such as Francis Bacon and Cicero as a rationale to be freed. The crows do not relent, however, and make him recite their "Crow Commandments": "Thou shall honor all crows", "Thou shall stop reading all bits of paper and literature" and "Thou shall never, never get down off of this here pole". In addition, the birds tell Scarecrow to sing the crow anthem, "You Can't Win". After the song concludes, Dorothy comes out of hiding and releases Scarecrow from the pole. Together, they then dance their way down the yellow brick road in search of The Wiz, singing "Ease on Down the Road" as they go.[9][10]
Even When You Win You Can’t Win
The Crows' insistence that reading is useless, even dangerous for Scarecrow because it only leads to discontentment takes on an especially haunting reminder of the ways in which the residues of slavery continue to injure contemporary African Americans. The Crows reinforce Scarecrow's subjection at their hands through a song whose refrain "you can't win child, you can't get out of the game" that aims to disabuse Scarecrow of any aspirations toward freedom ... Their insistence that "reading is stupid" suggests that a Eurocentric education does not promise liberation from "the game" that race and racism create ... The Crow's dismissal of education and western thought fails because they do not offer Scarecrow an alternative that will emancipate him. The Crow's attempt to discipline Scarecrow by displacing his hope with nihilism. For The Crow's so-called book of knowledge is less valuable than what they perceive to be real knowledge-street smarts. Though they are not tethered to a pole, they are seemingly unable or as their commandments and anthem suggests, unwilling to find opportunities than their present location provides. The Crow's chorus to Scarecrow's song is revealing for what it says about their loss of hope ... The Crow's are even more disadvantaged than Scarecrow because, unlike him, they are hopeless. The Crow's chorus, like The Crow Commandments, reflects their disillusionment with their inability to realize the promise of upward mobility.[11]
None of this will be easy, but you can start even if others remain recalcitrant. Next time you state your position, formulate an argument for what you claim and honestly ask yourself whether your argument is any good. Next time you talk with someone who takes a stand, ask them to give you a reason for their view. Spell out their argument fully and charitably. Assess its strength impartially. Raise objections and listen carefully to their replies. This method will require effort, but practice will make you better at it.
Sharma worked as a lawyer until age 25, when he self-published MegaLiving (1994), a book on stress management and spirituality. Sharma has published 12 other books and founded the training company Sharma Leadership International.
I loved this quote when I first heard it. I found it inspiring and it made me pause and think, what will the world remember me with when I depart? Will I leave a legacy or will I have left an impression that my family, friends and others will remember me with?
After establishing clarity of vision and a focus born of accountability, leaders create real belief when all processes, policies, priorities and systems facilitate consultative builders' ability to create lasting customer relationships.
And as revenue tools, they are very regressive. More than half of adults buy lottery tickets at some point, but the overwhelming majority of tickets are bought by approximately 20 percent of the population, typically the poorer and less educated. (For example, Wired magazine refers to a 2006 survey in which 30 percent of respondents without high school degrees said playing the lottery was a wealth-building strategy.) Like other regressive taxes, lotteries especially hit African Americans and Latinos, who buy disproportionately more lottery tickets than do white people.
Instant games offering much lower payouts but also better (though still poor) odds of winning have helped the states, too. Indeed, lotteries with daily numbers in the afternoon and evening have significantly cut into the illegal numbers game: though the payout is slightly lower, the state never fails to pay the winner, unlike the numbers holes.
Multi-state games with winnings into the hundreds of millions of also boost sales. Powerball and Mega Millions each operate jointly in nearly every lottery state plus Washington, D.C. and some U.S. territories, and there are seven other joint state lotteries, a number seemingly bound to increase.
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Listen to Robert Emmerich introduce "The Big Apple," a hit song from 1937. Music written by Bob and performed by Tommy Dorsey's Clambake Seven with Bob on piano. Lyrics written by Buddy Bernier and sung by Edythe Wright. Audio provided by Dorothy Emmerich.
The rules regarding tax on winnings are the same whether the prize is issued in a lump-sum payout or in pieces over time. You report the income when you receive it. That said, the tax impacts can be different based on the year you receive the income because the amount of tax you pay is based on your total taxable income each year.
After you win money, you should take steps to prepare for the potential tax impact. Ideally, you should set aside a portion of those winnings to cover the taxes you'll owe, so you have the money when it's time to pay your taxes.
In addition, lawyers have concerns about their reputations and how they appear to the court and other potential clients. Consequently, they do not want to seem desperate by taking on every case that comes into their office even when they know they will lose.
Personal injury cases usually require money upfront for hiring expert witnesses, court filings, copying documents, and even postage. However, if the case is more complex, the cost of litigation can often exceed thousands of dollars. Consequently, if the lawyer does not have the funds to cover these costs, they may not take on your suit.
While an initial consultation is a great way to determine if the lawyer is a good fit for you, during this time, the attorney may get a sense if you and your case are a good fit for them. During this meeting, the lawyer will determine your motivations behind this claim and your overall situation. As a result, if you seem challenging to work with, or it appears you are desperate for revenge, the attorney may decline your case.
For example, if you were involved in a car crash, but the defendant has no insurance, the policy limits are meager, and they have little in assets, even if you succeed in your case, collecting the judgment no matter how big it may be, can still be a lost cause
To have a successful claim, a lawyer needs reliable and detailed evidence proving what happened and who was at fault for the accident. Consequently, if the evidence presented to them is not clearcut or disputable, many attorneys may not even touch the case.
The rationale for this is usually two-fold. First, from a financial perspective, it will not be worth it to take on the case, and two, from an ethical obligation standpoint, lawyers must prevent their clients from filing frivolous lawsuits.
Every individual wants to win following an accident and get recouped for the losses they had to endure. However, if you show up at a law firm with huge expectations, it can create major red flags because the attorney will know that can make settling a case more difficult or lead to disappointment even if they succeed.
Long ago, when Peter Sam and Sir Handel were respectively known as Stuart and Falcon, holiday makers would visit Duke's old line every year to visit the lakes, the mountains and most of all, Duke himself. With knowledge of all the best picnic spots, he would take the visitors wherever they wanted to go and would cheerfully whistle a reminder to be back in time to be collected so they did not miss their boat to the mainland. Duke never wished to disappoint the holiday makers and so would pull his train even if he was unwell.
One day, Duke is feeling short of steam, so he rests whilst his crew clean his tubes. Stuart arrives and teases Duke, telling him that they will have to keep an eye on him in case of a breakdown. Duke storms off in a huff, but soon feels better as he makes his evening run. As he begins to climb the hill, however, he suddenly feels short of steam again as his valves begin leaking. Duke realises the journey will not be as easy as he initially thought, but struggles on until he reaches the next station, where his driver checks him over whilst the passengers wait anxiously. The guard informs them that Falcon and Stuart will help Duke reach the harbour in time. The two engines couple onto the train - Falcon in front and Stuart at the back - and they set off.
At the next station, Falcon takes Duke's train to the harbour on his own, whilst Stuart takes Falcon's train with Duke coupled behind him. Stuart is excited about rescuing a broken-down Duke and teases him as he sets off. Unbeknownst to Stuart, however, Duke's valves sound worse than they actually are and he still has plenty of steam. He and his driver decide to play a trick on Stuart and, when they reach the next hill, Duke suddenly puts all of his effort into pulling the train, making a loud racket as he does so and catching Stuart by surprise. 2ff7e9595c